3 Tips to Stay Active and Motivated during COVID-19 Lockdowns

We understand it can be challenging to stick to an exercise routine at home. Especially with current pandemic restrictions here in Winnipeg, many of us are struggling to stay motivated. We have been hearing from many of our clients “we are tired of exercising virtually” and many find it hard to stick with it. These 3 tips may inspire you to get back into a regular exercise routine!

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1.     Find ways to get moving that you enjoy

Try to find a fitness class or form of exercise you enjoy doing and stick to it! Yes, variety in your workout routine is great, but if you are finding it hard to get motivated to exercise at all it will be a lot easier to get moving if you have a fitness routine you love!

For example, if you hate jogging, don’t set yourself up for failure by telling yourself you are going to try jogging a few times per week over the summer. Find something you love and commit to doing it at least 2 times a week. The more you enjoy your exercise routine the more motivated you will be to stick with it. The Fifty 5 Fitness online membership gives you access to 6 different types of exercise classes per week, giving you lots of variety! Pick your favorites, then commit to doing these classes each week.

2.     Set a schedule and stick to it

 Find a schedule that works for you and STICK TO IT. Maybe you decide you are going to do a pre-recorded online Fifty 5 Fitness class Mondays, Wednesdays, and every second Friday this summer. Commit to this schedule! Find a time in the day that works best for you. Some of us like to get our exercise in first thing in the morning, while others like to finish their day with movement. Schedule specific times that work best for you.

If this is something you are struggling with, Fifty 5 Fitness is offering many live Zoom classes at scheduled times over the summer session. Registering for these classes will help keep you accountable and committed to your schedule.

3.     Set yourself up for success, set reasonable goals

 Tip 3 is related to Tips 1 and 2. When committing to an exercise schedule be realistic. Summer is coming in hot and we know we all love to spend time outdoors, or at the lake. If it is unrealistic for you to exercise 5+ days per week don’t set that goal for yourself. Set yourself up for success, having a goal of exercising 2 or 3 times per week is realistic and very attainable. Having a realistic and attainable goal makes working out seem less daunting which makes it less likely you will skip your workouts.

We understand the challenge of getting motivated from behind a screen, but we hope these tips help keep you moving and active this summer. There is still time to register for our summer session! Click here to register or feel free to email us at fifty5fitnessinfo@gmail.com for any additional information.