Fifty 5 Fitness Back to Bird Dog.png

The 55 is one of the main classes we offer that encompasses cardio, strength training, stretching and balance work in a single class. And this is an exercise that strengthens the back and the core at the same time! When we’re providing fitness for women in Winnipeg, we look for ways to help you get the best bang for your buck with each exercise! This strength training exercise can be done at home on a yoga mat, a rug or carpet. 

Start Here (A)


Start in a tabletop pose with your shoulders directly above the wrists, and the hips overtop the knees. Tuck in your toes to help you find stability, and draw your belly button towards your spine. Holding onto your core is key in this exercise so keep your focus right there! Keep your neck neutral and look a little bit ahead while pointing the crown of your head forward and your tailbone back.


Movement (B)


When you feel ready, reach your left arm forward at shoulder height at the same time as you stretch your right leg back at hip height. Reach the fingertips forward to engage the muscles of your arm, and point your toes ballerina-style or let them point down towards the floor. Your glutes help you maintain the lift in your leg so make sure to keep them engaged! It’s common to accidentally turn your toes out to the side or lift the leg too high, so checking in a mirror is always a great option.

Hold this for 5 seconds before switching to the other side. Alternate sides - that means next time you’ll be raising the right arm and stretching your left leg back. To make this exercise even more challenging, increase the length of the hold to 10 seconds or more as you feel ready. Continue alternating until you’ve completed each side 10 times. For more back strength training exercises, join us for Winnipeg strength training at Fifty 5 Fitness!