Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg- Bird-Dog Deadlift

Our owner Emily was recently trained in Functional Movement Systems (link) a 7-step screening tool that determines the greatest areas of movement deficiency and demonstrates limitations or asymmetries in the body. This course opened her eyes to the possibilities in personal training. Many of our personal training clients are requesting exercises to increase whole-body strength and man, oh man, does this one ever fit the bill!

Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg Bird Dog Deadlift

If you’re a beginner or feel you have some issues with balance, we recommend trying this exercise with some support like a ledge, railing, or countertop. Set your right hand on the support and hold your light weight in your left hand. Begin with your feet at hip width apart and an active standing posture. Shift your weight to your right foot and draw your left toes behind you. Engage those glutes, core muscles and shoulder blades!

Bird Dog Deadlift Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Still holding on to your support, incline your torso forward and drop the weight down towards the floor while sending your left foot back behind you. Your tendency might be to turn your left foot out to the side so instead, focus on pointing your five toes down towards the floor. With control, lift back up to start. Try 8-10 repetitions on this side before turning around and transferring the dumbbell to your right hand. 

2 sets of 8-10 reps on each side will give you an excellent foundation for full body strengthening. We’ve got lots of creative exercises geared for 55+ exercisers that are fun and functional in our weekly exercise classes in Winnipeg - hope to see you there!