Foam Rolling Angels - Fifty 5 Fitness Healthy Winnipeg

An exercise that’s as fun as it is challenging! Our Foam Rolling Angels will help you loosen up your chest and shoulders - this makes it an ideal exercise to try out after a challenging class. All you’ll need is a foam roller. Haven’t got one? A plain and tall roller is most versatile - check your local sports supply store, Walmart, Winners or similar and you’ll find one quite easily!



Fifty 5 Fitness - Fitness Classes in Winnipeg for 55+

Set up your foam roller perpendicular to your mat or carpet, so that it will line up with your spine when you recline. Sit onto the roller and guide yourself down so that the roller rets between your upper shoulder blades. Raise your arms over your head and allow your shoulder blades to drop down on either side of the roller. Draw in your abdomen to press your lower back into the roller and engage your core.



Then, bring your hands to either side of your hips by drawing a large circle with your hands. Move slowly so that you can feel the stretch in your shoulders and chest. Straightening your arms a little more and extending through your fingertips will give you an even better stretch! Move mindfully and take your time, completing 10 circles each round for 3 total rounds.

Some movement while you’re in exercise recovery mode is very beneficial. If you exercise regularly, taking the time to stretch is something that your body craves! Our Sweat & Stretch class has the best of both worlds: if you’re in Winnipeg, come give it a try!