One Foot in Front of the Other:  55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

We’ve had a great fall Session, meeting many new clients and welcoming back current clients from last session. Getting moving together makes us all happy, and so will this week’s balance exercise! A wonderful balance challenge, this one is effective in so many ways!



Balance Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

Start with your eyes open if you’ve never tried this one before: Stand on both feet on a flat surface and tap your finger to your nose. Step your right foot slightly forward ahead of your left foot. Make it your goal to hold this posture for at least 30 seconds. Alternate feet and try the exercise again with your left foot forward for another 30 seconds. If you’d like a challenge, keep reading!

LEVEL 2: (B)

Balance Exercise - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Now that you’ve tried one foot in front of the other, you’re ready to give the next levels a try! Start back with your right foot forward and practice blinking your eyes closed. Start with one slow blink, and as your confidence increases keep your eyes closed for longer. When this starts to feel easy, take your left hand up in front of you with your pointer finger extended out at eye level. After you’ve tried this variation, return to start and place your left foot ahead. Repeat the exercise on this side, remembering that your balance will be different on each side, so start slow! This time, send your right finger out ahead of you to test your balance on both sides.

Fifty 5 Fitness aims to have you moving in a healthy way that also feels fun! Exercising together as a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!