

Plank Exercise -  Fifty 5 Fitness in Winnipeg


Fifty 5 Fitness is starting to get known for our classes that suit ALL fitness levels🙌🏼. ⁣Every new client that walks through our doors starts at their own level, taking each exercise at their own pace. ⁣ Our Instructors are fully trained to modify any exercise so that all clients can take part in every aspect of the class🏃🏼‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🧘‍♀️. ⁣ Today, we’re sharing some plank modifications to bring you closer to your short and long term fitness goals⭐️!⁣


START HERE: Plank on Knees

Plank on Knees - Fifty 5 Fitness 55+ Exercise in Winnipeg

It might look simple, but plank from your knees will still have you working hard if you’re just beginning your exercise routine or just getting back into shape! Set your hands down at shoulder width, look down between those hands and press them into the floor. Keep your feet together and keep your body in one long, lean line. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

THEN TRY: Regular Plank

Plank - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Starting from plank on your knees, lift your knees so that your legs are straight. Engage your glutes and your abdominal muscles. Imagine that the back of your heels are pushing into an imaginary wall behind you. Good posture is more important than time here, if you need a break, take one! Aim for 30-60 continuous seconds holding plank - and remember to breathe!


Plank with Toe Taps - Fifty 5 Fitness Personal Training in Winnipeg

Plank toe taps are where it’s at! Maintaining that original plank posture, step your right foot out a foot to the right side to tap the floor, then return to start. Next, lift your left foot and tap your toe over to the left. Come back to starting position and alternate stepping out your feet for a total of 30 - 60 seconds.

EVEN MORE? Try Mountain Climber Planks

Plank Mountain Climbers - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

For an even bigger challenge, begin in the regular plank position. Keeping your hands firmly pushing into the floor, draw your right knee in toward your chest, squeezing your abdominal muscles. Plant your right foot back down, then squeeze your letf knee into chest. Set it back down alongside the right, then continue alternating sides for 30-60 seconds.

Our classes attract women of all fitness levels and bring them together to grow at their own pace! Come challenge yourself and your fitness at our local classes in Winnipeg!


Anti-aging Exercise for Women - Fifty 5 Fitness

Our Healthy Living Challenge kicks off today… want to join us? This is a 6 week challenge - get to 90% of your workouts, classes, or personal training sessions between now and June 8. Cut out 3 things from your diet that you feel are unhealthy for you, choose two things you’d like to decrease in your diet, and increase your water intake. Click the button at the bottom this post to join! Then, you can start right here with today’s exercise: the lying side leg lift..




Lying on your right side, prop the side of your head with your right hand. Draw your right knee up toward your navel and find a comfortable bend. Press the side of your foot into the ground and pull your belly button in toward your spine. For balance, gently press your left palm into the floor in front of your core.



Keeping this aligned posture, begin to straighten your left leg while you lift it away from the ground. Imagine that you are pressing that left foot out from the heel, lifting as high as is comfortably possible. Lower your leg and repeat another nine times, for a total of 10 repetitions. Try 3 sets of these and then repeat on the other side.



You can also try this exercise with a resistance band around your upper thighs. If using a band, place it directly above your knees and set up your body in the same way as in version one.



Then, engage your core and lift your left leg. You likely won’t be able to go up as high without the band! This is a great place to start challenging yourself and building strength.

Our group sessions are designed for you to build balance and stability and have fun at the same time - we believe in working out in a community. That’s the premise behind our challenge as well - getting healthier in a group is so much more fun! To join the Spring Healthy Living challenge, click the button below!


Winnipeg Women Exercise - Fifty 5 Fitness

You’ve likely heard about the importance of balance and aging well from the media and even your doctor… and it’s true! At Fifty 5 Fitness, we take balance seriously. Working regularly on your balance will help you be more comfortable in your body, prevent dangerous falls, and even keep your mind sharp. And, who says workouts shouldn’t be fun? Feel free to put on a little disco while you try today’s move! 😉



Balance Exercise Winnipeg - Fifty 5 Fitness for Women

Establish a solid standing posture to begin: stand with feet at hip’s distance, bend the knees slightly, align the pelvis over those heels, those shoulders over the hips, and the ears above those shoulders. Draw in that navel towards that spine to engage your core muscles. Lean your weight into your right foot, being careful to not lock your knee. With your left hand on your hip, extend your right arm off to the side at shoulder height, and lift your left leg to the side in the opposite direction.



Swing your left foot like a pendulum across the midline of your body, just past the right foot, keeping it to a hover. At the same time, swing your right arm down and across your body towards your left hip. Move slowly, trying to move in a fluid motion without relying on momentum. Slow and steady wins the race! Try 10 repetitions on this side before switching to balancing on your left foot, repeating the movements for a set of 2-3 on each side.

We can help you with your balance. Our group sessions are designed for you to build balance and stability and have fun at the same time - we believe working out in a community is so much more fun! You’re more likely to stick with your exercise regimen if you choose to work out with others, and it’s so much nicer to get out of the house now that the weather is finally warming up. See you at class!


Fifty Five Fitness Step It Up With Side Plank.jpg

Combining balance with strength will help you get stronger faster! At our local fitness classes in Winnipeg, we try to get our clients the most benefits as possible during our classes. Side Plank is an all-around great exercise that can be practiced at any level. 

Tips for success in this exercise:

1. Hold your core! Tighten up your stomach muscles, and pull your bellybutton in towards your spine.

2. Posture! Keep your shoulders and hips in line and your spine long.

3. Hips! Don’t let them sag towards the floor - instead try to keep your body in one long line like a plank!

4. Keep your front and back body in mind! Engaging along the back side of your body will help you hold this pose for longer! 


Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg Side Plank

Start by lying on your right side with your elbow and hand planted on the floor at a 90 degree angle from your body. Lift your hips and extend your left leg, allowing the side of your foot to hold your body weight. Bend your right knee and plant it on the floor for support and lift your left arm in the air. Maintain a steady breath by focusing your air intake to your ribcage in an effort to keep your ribs and hips lifted. 

Level 2: Extend both your legs out long and set them down with your right foot slightly behind your left foot. Keep your feet engaged to protect your ankles and again, lift those hips!

Level 3: Stack your feet one on top of the other and lift your left arm in the air. If you’re feeling brave and strong, you can also try lifting your left leg in the air for a starfish alternative!

Fifty 5 Fitness Side Plank Exercise.jpg

Fifty 5 Fitness classes work with you whatever level you’re at  - join us in Winnipeg for exercises that we’ll customize just for you!