Wall Pushup Practice

Registration is well underway for the Fifty 5 Fitness Fall/Winter Session - many of our classes still have a few spots available that have your name on them! Many exercises on our blog also appear in our classes and are a great reference you can use to continue on your fitness goals at home throughout the week. Recently, in our Flow 55 Yoga class, participants practiced their form in this wall pushup pose which is very similar to a plank pose. This exercise is a beautiful modification of a floor pushup if you’re not feeling up to it today or if you are at the beginning stages of incorporating exercise into your routines.



Wall Pushup Fifty 5 Fitness

With your feet together, stand an arm’s length away from a solid wall. Place your hands at shoulder height onto the wall and press into the wall. With straight arms - but without locked elbows - walk your feet back until you are leaning slightly forward and exerting some effort.

Movement (B):

Wall Pushups Movement - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Bend at the elbows and lean your chest towards the wall while keeping your neck long and your core engaged. Focus your gaze on the wall ahead of you as you lower yourself. Allow your elbows to come out the sides and check that your shoulders are still a ways away from your ears. Keeping that spine long, start to push into the wall and straighten your arms to return to the starting position. Try 3 sets of 10 of these, and remember you can always challenge yourself by stepping your feet further away from the wall or attempting push-ups on the floor!

If you’re looking for more positive habit-making in your exercise routines, why not try a Flow 55 class in person? Our yoga classes are open to all students regardless of level and yoga experience - and no, you don’t have to already be flexible!

Click here to see our classes in Winnipeg!