Fire Hydrant Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

When you’ve only got so much time to exercise, it’s nice to find exercises that work multiple parts of the body all at once! This exercise? It’s a whole body experience! Your arms support your upper body, your core acts as a stabilizer, and your lower body is working the hardest. Let’s get started!



Fifty 5 Fitness - Exercise Classes in Winnipeg

Begin by setting up in a classic tabletop pose - place your knees beneath your hips, and your palms beneath your shoulders. Press your knuckles and heels of your hands into your mat or carpet to provide a stable foundation. Aim for a flat back and draw in your navel for a strong foundation. Stabilize yourself on both hands and your left knee, preparing to lift your right knee off the ground.


Fifty 5 Fitness - Fitness Classes in Winnipeg for 55+

Keeping the 90 degree shape of your right leg, lift your right knee off the ground and lift it to parallel with your hip. Using your core to lift your leg to that height, keep your neck long and relaxed with your shoulders away from your ears. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the left side, for a total of three repetitions for left and right.

Whole body exercises get you stronger in a healthy way that also feels fun! Plus, working out in a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!


Happy Baby - Happy Back Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

We’ve had a great start to our Winter Session, meeting many new clients and welcoming back current clients from last session. Getting moving together is bound to make us all happy, and so will this week’s stretch: happy baby! A wonderful stretch for your back, hamstrings, hips, inner thighs, chest, and shoulders, this one is effective in so many ways!



Happy Baby Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

Start with half-happy baby if you’ve never tried this one before: Lying on your back on a flat surface, bend both knees and plant your feet on the ground. Engaging your abdominal muscles, lift your right leg and grasp onto the inside edge of your right foot. While pulling down slightly with your hand, press your foot up slightly into your hand to create an isometric stretch. At the same time, press your right hip down into the floor. Notice if your shoulders have lifted off the ground and settle them back down. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then release and repeat on your left side.


Happy Baby Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

Now that you’ve tried half-happy baby, you’re ready to give the full happy baby a try! Engage your abdominals once more and lift one leg at a time, reaching your right arm to your right foot, and your left arm to your left foot. If you have difficulties reaching your feet, grasp onto the inside of your calves instead. Reach your tailbone toward the floor and lengthen your back to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Fifty 5 Fitness aims to have you moving in a healthy way that also feels fun! Exercising together as a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!


Eyes Closed Exercise - 55+ women's fitness in Winnipeg

If your New Year’s resolution relates to health, Fifty 5 Fitness can help to support you! In fact, over the course of the last 7 weeks, 35 of our clients (plus myself and @gripsockstopknots) took part in a “🍏Healthy Eating Challenge🍏”. At Fifty 5 Fitness we are not about crazy diet fads or omitting mass amounts of food from our diet. During this challenge we wanted to try and do 3 things:

1. Get to 85% of our classes🏃🏼‍♀️ during our 7 weeks of the challenge. 

2. Make healthy meals at home🥗🍳, and try new recipes. 

3. Try to not eat the 5 C’s: chocolate🍫, candy, chips, cake 🍰and Coca Cola (ie- all pop products.)

This challenge made us focus more on making healthier food choices and staying committed to our exercise routine. If you’re looking for a healthy and non-restrictive resolution, feel free to borrow from our challenge. Today’s exercise is a challenge in and of itself - an eyes-closed balance challenge. Read on for the how-to!




Stand with both feet flat on the floor, then shift your weight over to your right foot. Press down into the floor with your right foot and keep your right knee slightly bent - never locked. With hands on hips, start to lift your left knee at a 90 degree angle. Blink your eyes closed to test your balance, and gradually, keep your eyes closed for a moment longer. See if you can keep your eyes closed for 15 seconds to complete the first round on this side. When done, lower your left foot to the ground and open your eyes. Then, repeat on the opposite side for another 15 seconds.

Movement (B):


With your hands down and away from your sides and fingers actively pointing down, begin again by shifting your weight to your right foot. With your arms in this position, try for another 15 seconds with eyes closed.

Eyes Closed Exercise - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Last variation! With your arms outstretched at shoulder height and palms facing down, once again shift your weight to your right foot and lift the left leg. Balance for 15 seconds on each side to complete the balance challenge!

Best wishes for the New Year from your Fifty 5 Fitness crew! Happy 2019!

Our Winter session registration for our current clients begins today. All registration for new clients starts this Wednesday, January 9


A new year is upon us, and with it comes a NEW session! Our classes are held at Sculpt Barre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, exclusively for people aged 55+.

Some fun changes come with this session! We know that many of you want to work on your muscular strength in 2019, so this class is dedicated to that! “THE 55 Strength” will take place every Monday from 12:15-1:15pm.
The new class will be a circuit style training class where you are working “against yourself”. - working with sets and reps as opposed to timed stations. This is designed as a unique strength class for the 55+ woman who wants to become stronger in 2019.

Our WINTER SESSION will run from Monday, January 14th until Saturday, March 16th (9 weeks). Registration begins online on our website ( on Monday, January 7th for current clients, and Wednesday, January 9th for new clients.

Happy New Year to all of our clients, instructors and their families! We hope you’ll choose to move with us in 2019!


Fifty 5 Fitness - Front Leg Raises for the Quad

The benefits of regular physical activity go far beyond the endorphins after your favourite workout: our clients use their skills from class to get through hikes marked “hard/difficult” when on vacation, they eat healthier from all the group accountability, and they make amazing social connections. Start here with front leg raises to strengthen your quads and you’ll be scaling mountains in no time!



Front Leg Quad Raise Exercise - Fifty 5 Fitness Classes in Winnipeg

Standing with a support in hand, shift your weight to your left foot and bend your left knee just enough so it isn’t locked. Hover your right foot just off the floor and stabilize your pelvis. Draw in your navel slightly and try to keep your gaze level and straight ahead.

Movement (B):

Women's Fitness in Winnipeg - Front Leg Raises

Pressing your left foot into the floor, begin to extend your right foot up and forward. Check that you’re not tilting your foot to either side and press out through your right heel. Keep your leg as straight as possible and hold for 5 seconds as high as you are able to lift your right foot. After 5 seconds, lower your foot back down to a hover, and repeat until you’ve completed a set of 8-10. Repeat on the other leg for a complete round and complete 2-3 rounds.

We hope to see you stretching, posing and relaxing in one of our Winnipeg 55+ classes soon!


Upper Back Lifts - Fifty 5 Fitness in Winnipeg

To see you all moving better and feeling better makes me incredibly happy. Hard work pays off! This is especially true for postural exercises… those who know me, know that I like to focus on posture. Postural alignment benefits you in so many ways: less strain on your lower back, fewer headaches, more energy, and less tension overall! This simple exercise can be done anywhere to improve your posture over time.



Upper Back Lifts - Fifty 5 Fitness in Winnipeg Manitoba

Simply lie face down on the floor - try to avoid doing this exercise in bed due to the lack of lower back support - with your arms at your sides, backs of the hands and your toes pointing down. No need to wear shoes if you’re staying inside! Then, rest your forehead gently on the floor.

Movement (B):

Upper Back Lift Exercise- Fifty 5 Fitness in Winnipeg

Engage your lower abdominal muscles and press your pelvis lightly into the floor, press down through the tops of your feet and squeeze your shoulder blades together and back to prepare. Keeping the back of your neck long, lift from the crown of your head while keeping your gaze on the floor. A little bit of aligned movement goes a long way so no straining! Hold for 3-5 seconds, then release down to the floor. Try 10 lifts in a row and end with a relaxing crocodile pose: fold your hands one on top of the other and rest your forehead down, letting the full weight of your head and shoulders relax for recovery.

Add this postural exercise to your routine for a little lift! Wanting more? Try out our local classes for women in Winnipeg. Each of our classes incorporates posture-building and strengthening moves - come get stronger with us!


Side to Side Balance Boss - Fifty 5 Fitness in Winnipeg

When I look out at the women exercising in Fifty 5 Fitness classes, I see a room filled with strength, commitment, passion, drive, passion, focus, community and friendship. You know what’s missing? You! Try one of our classes for free - and then sign up for a session or keep doing drop-ins. Today’s exercise is a great example of the kind of challenge you can look forward to in class.



Balance Exercises - Fifty 5 Fitness 55+ Exercise in Winnipeg

It might look simple, but our side to side balance exercise will turn you into a balance boss! Start by standing with a tall spine and active posture. Engage your abdominal muscles and tuck your pelvis slightly - perhaps holding onto a railing, mantle, or countertop for balance just in case. Shift your weight onto one foot without letting your hip collapse, then lift one foot forward with toes pointing up.

Movement (B):

Standing Side Leg Lift - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Without shifting your posture, slowly turn your head to your left. Then, return your gaze back to center and turn your head over to your right. Come back to center for one full repetition. Notice if you have a tendency to turn your foot or your hips when you aren’t looking straight ahead and see if you can maintain your steady balance throughout. If you happen to fall out of the pose, that’s okay! Simply take the time to reset and start again. Try 5 repetitions on this side before shifting to the other foot.

These days everyone is searching for balance, and exercise can be a great way to achieve life balance as well as the more obvious physical balance. Our classes attract women of all fitness levels and bring them together to grow at their own pace! Before you know it, you’ll be balancing like a boss! Come challenge your balance and your fitness at our local classes in Winnipeg or check out our other blog posts for more at-home exercises.


Side Leg Lifts - Fitness Classes in Winnipeg Fifty 5 Fitness

I get asked all the time, “Why did you start Fifty 5 Fitness?” When I was in Kinesiology at University of Winnipeg and learning about activity and aging, I really started to think about my parents and if they were “moving” enough. When I was younger I can remember my Mom driving me to a million dance classes a week, but never going to an exercise class for herself. (Now as a mother, I realize how limited your time is for you with young kids at home.) I convinced my Mom and Dad when I was in university to get a treadmill and that was the beginning of them exercising. I loved that they were walking a few times a week, but I knew they could be doing more.

I wanted a space where my Mom and other ladies 55+ could come and learn how to exercise - that’s the big “why” behind Fifty 5 Fitness. A space where my Mom and women like her could not feel out of place, learn proper form and alignment, and be surrounded by like minded women. And so, Fifty 5 Fitness began. The reality is that starting to exercise is doable if you start small with the right techniques. Today’s exercise is a simple side leg lift which can be done with or without a resistance band to help you get “moving.” Try this exercise at home and when you’ve built up some confidence we’d love if you would join us at a class at our Winnipeg studio!



Side Leg Lift - Fitness for Women in Winnipeg

Stand facing a support of some sort - a countertop, mantle or half wall will do nicely. If you’re using a resistance band, position it at mid-thigh level, and shift your weight onto one foot. Hover the other foot just off the ground and ensure you’re standing with a tall posture.

Movement (B):

Standing Side Leg Lift - Women's Fitness Winnipeg

Then, engage your abdominal muscles, squeeze your shoulders together and down, and begin to lift your leg to the side in a slow and fluid motion. Whether you’ve got the resistance band or not, see if you can practice controlled movement to get the biggest bang for your buck with this exercise. Repeat this motion for a total of ten reps, then switch to the other side. Aim for 3 sets of 10 for left and right!

My goal for Fifty 5 Fitness is simple - to have you moving in a healthy way that also feels fun! Sometimes working out in a group can be a powerful motivator - our classes in Winnipeg are always full of like-minded ladies you’ll enjoy exercising with! Pictured here is me, Emily, the owner of Fifty 5 Fitness, and some of our classes are taught by other talented instructors. Click below to meet us all, then sign up for class so that we can meet you!


Hamstring Stretch Exercise Fifty 5 Fitness

Whether it be to modify an exercise, help you with your form and alignment, or push you a little bit harder, your instructor is always there to help at a Fifty 5 Fitness class. When attempting hamstring stretches, many clients tend to round their backs and shoulders. Did you know that you get less out of the exercise that way? This modification helps with form AND alignment to give you a better hamstring stretch and prevent any back or neck injuries.



Hamstring Stretch with Strap - Modified Exercise by Fifty 5 Fitness

Seated with your legs extended forward, loop a yoga strap, tie, or scarf around the undersides of your feet. Take a moment to sit up tall by pressing your sit bones down and reaching the crown of your head up. Engage your core slightly, and hold the strap as closely as you can, keeping your elbows near your ribs.

Movement (B):

Hamstring Stretch Exercise - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Next, draw your elbows back as you tilt your belly button down towards your thighs. Keep a long back - no rounding allowed! Keep your attention on keeping your shoulders away from your ears as you lean forward and pull both sides of the strap towards you. Bonus points if you also push your feet towards the other side of the strap! Breathe into the backs of your legs as this can be an intense hamstring stretch. Our hamstrings tend to shorten over time when we do too much sitting or too much exercise without stretching. This is an excellent stretch to do after any exercise or going out walking!

Remember to hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds and try to breathe naturally during this time. Be aware of any shortening or holding of breath - if this happens to you, you may be unconsciously lifting your shoulders by your ears. Small bouts of stretching over time will increase your flexibility and reduce your chance of injury, and remember you can always multitask and do this while watching television! Having an in-person instructor is helpful to show you modifications like this one that can help you get more out of the time you spend exercising and stretching. Our instructors are all trained to assist you in your form and alignment - try out a Fifty 5 Fitness class today!

Click here to register for classes in Winnipeg! Your first class is always free.


Wall Pushup Practice

Registration is well underway for the Fifty 5 Fitness Fall/Winter Session - many of our classes still have a few spots available that have your name on them! Many exercises on our blog also appear in our classes and are a great reference you can use to continue on your fitness goals at home throughout the week. Recently, in our Flow 55 Yoga class, participants practiced their form in this wall pushup pose which is very similar to a plank pose. This exercise is a beautiful modification of a floor pushup if you’re not feeling up to it today or if you are at the beginning stages of incorporating exercise into your routines.



Wall Pushup Fifty 5 Fitness

With your feet together, stand an arm’s length away from a solid wall. Place your hands at shoulder height onto the wall and press into the wall. With straight arms - but without locked elbows - walk your feet back until you are leaning slightly forward and exerting some effort.

Movement (B):

Wall Pushups Movement - Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Bend at the elbows and lean your chest towards the wall while keeping your neck long and your core engaged. Focus your gaze on the wall ahead of you as you lower yourself. Allow your elbows to come out the sides and check that your shoulders are still a ways away from your ears. Keeping that spine long, start to push into the wall and straighten your arms to return to the starting position. Try 3 sets of 10 of these, and remember you can always challenge yourself by stepping your feet further away from the wall or attempting push-ups on the floor!

If you’re looking for more positive habit-making in your exercise routines, why not try a Flow 55 class in person? Our yoga classes are open to all students regardless of level and yoga experience - and no, you don’t have to already be flexible!

Click here to see our classes in Winnipeg!


Right and Wrong Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Recently in class we’ve been working hard on form and alignment in some of our basic movement patterns like squats. Without good form, repetitive movements can cause injuries. When you come to a Fifty 5 Fitness class, your instructor makes sure that every client is educated on form and alignment. So we’re trying to do the same in this blog post!

Avoid These Common Errors:

  1. Knees Past Your Heels / Heels Lifted / Arched Back

Wrong Way to Do Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Avoid These Common Errors:

2. Knees Bowing In / Arched Back

Wrong Way to do Squats - Fifty 5 Fitness

Here’s How to Do Squats the Right Way

Squats: The Right Way - Fifty 5 Fitness

Start with a wider stance letting your toes point forwards or slightly out. Hold your weights at shoulder height and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pull your bellybutton towards your spine. You’re going to keep your shoulders drawn back and your abdominal muscles strong for the whole exercise. Start to lower your tailbone down and back while being mindful of your knees. Here’s what’s most important: your knees stay above your heels at all times even if that means your hips don’t go as low for the time being. Keep that spine long and your gaze forward. Press into the soles of your feet to lift back up to start and begin again! Try 3 sets of 10 squats with a light weight of 2-5 lbs. You can increase the weight or the repetitions when you feel you’re ready to move on. 

Fifty 5 Fitness Squats Winnipeg

This one looks deceptively easy but look out! You’ll feel it in your glutes later today! And in case you want more strength training - there’s always classes going on at Fifty 5 Fitness for fitness in Winnipeg!


DO THE DEAD BUG Fifty 5 Fitness

New Monday, new week, new goals! Incorporating movement into your day will help your body deal with signs of aging and ward off injury and pain. We recommend a little bit of activity every day over longer bouts of less frequent exercise. Make your Monday an active one with todays’ Dead Bug move.

Start Here (A)

Fifty 5 Fitness Dead Bug Exercise

Lying on your back, start by gently squeezing your core muscles and pressing your lower back towards the floor. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor. Press the back of your head down into the mat and leave room for the back of your neck. Lift both your arms towards the ceiling and reach your fingertips up while you press those shoulder blades down. Keep drawing your knees towards your elbows while you keep your belly pulling in. 


Level One

Fifty 5 Fitness Exercise in Winnipeg - Dead Bug

Keep your left arm reaching for the ceiling and reach your right arm back behind you. Tap your right heel on the floor while keeping your left heel lifted. Return to centre using your core. Then, reach your left arm back behind you while tapping your left heel on the floor. Continue alternating for 10 heel taps on each side.


Level Two

Fifty 5 Fitness Dead Bug Level Two

Keep your left arm reaching for the ceiling and reach your right arm back behind you. Root your lower back down into the floor. Extend your right leg forward and hover it over the floor while keeping your left heel bent and lifted. Return to centre using your core. Then, reach your left arm back behind you while extending your right leg at hip height. Continue alternating for 10 extensions on each side.

We hope to see you working that core in one of our Winnipeg 55+ classes soon!


Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg- Bird-Dog Deadlift

Our owner Emily was recently trained in Functional Movement Systems (link) a 7-step screening tool that determines the greatest areas of movement deficiency and demonstrates limitations or asymmetries in the body. This course opened her eyes to the possibilities in personal training. Many of our personal training clients are requesting exercises to increase whole-body strength and man, oh man, does this one ever fit the bill!

Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg Bird Dog Deadlift

If you’re a beginner or feel you have some issues with balance, we recommend trying this exercise with some support like a ledge, railing, or countertop. Set your right hand on the support and hold your light weight in your left hand. Begin with your feet at hip width apart and an active standing posture. Shift your weight to your right foot and draw your left toes behind you. Engage those glutes, core muscles and shoulder blades!

Bird Dog Deadlift Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Still holding on to your support, incline your torso forward and drop the weight down towards the floor while sending your left foot back behind you. Your tendency might be to turn your left foot out to the side so instead, focus on pointing your five toes down towards the floor. With control, lift back up to start. Try 8-10 repetitions on this side before turning around and transferring the dumbbell to your right hand. 

2 sets of 8-10 reps on each side will give you an excellent foundation for full body strengthening. We’ve got lots of creative exercises geared for 55+ exercisers that are fun and functional in our weekly exercise classes in Winnipeg - hope to see you there!


Lying Hamstring Stretch Fifty 5 Fitness.jpg

We know that yoga and fitness can be intimidating no matter what age you decide to start. 

Not sure about trying out fitness classes? No worries! Your first class with us is always free, and not to brag, but we’ve got the most welcoming ladies around! Plus, today’s exercise is completely beginner friendly. 

Starting lying down, draw in your navel towards your spine. Grip a yoga strap, scarf or tie loosely in each hand and bend your left leg, lifting it off the floor. Loop the strap around the middle of your foot and start to extend your leg straight up. Press your foot into the scarf and gently pull with both hands back towards you. Allow your left hip to stay close to the floor and see if you can relax your shoulders down as well. Look out for any accidental tension in your neck area and consciously relax. 

Lying Hamstring Exercise Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg

Breathe into the back of your left leg to maximize the hamstring stretch. After a minute or so, bend your left knee and loosen your grip on the tie. Lower your left foot slowly down to the floor and repeat the above steps for your right leg. 

We hope to see you stretching, posing and relaxing in one of our Winnipeg 55+ yoga classes soon!


Fifty Five Fitness Step It Up With Side Plank.jpg

Combining balance with strength will help you get stronger faster! At our local fitness classes in Winnipeg, we try to get our clients the most benefits as possible during our classes. Side Plank is an all-around great exercise that can be practiced at any level. 

Tips for success in this exercise:

1. Hold your core! Tighten up your stomach muscles, and pull your bellybutton in towards your spine.

2. Posture! Keep your shoulders and hips in line and your spine long.

3. Hips! Don’t let them sag towards the floor - instead try to keep your body in one long line like a plank!

4. Keep your front and back body in mind! Engaging along the back side of your body will help you hold this pose for longer! 


Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg Side Plank

Start by lying on your right side with your elbow and hand planted on the floor at a 90 degree angle from your body. Lift your hips and extend your left leg, allowing the side of your foot to hold your body weight. Bend your right knee and plant it on the floor for support and lift your left arm in the air. Maintain a steady breath by focusing your air intake to your ribcage in an effort to keep your ribs and hips lifted. 

Level 2: Extend both your legs out long and set them down with your right foot slightly behind your left foot. Keep your feet engaged to protect your ankles and again, lift those hips!

Level 3: Stack your feet one on top of the other and lift your left arm in the air. If you’re feeling brave and strong, you can also try lifting your left leg in the air for a starfish alternative!

Fifty 5 Fitness Side Plank Exercise.jpg

Fifty 5 Fitness classes work with you whatever level you’re at  - join us in Winnipeg for exercises that we’ll customize just for you!


Fifty 5 Fitness 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

At Fifty 5 Fitness, our goal is to keep your body safe and get you moving without pain or injury.  One way we can do this is starting small with light weights or even no weights. This exercise can be done without weights or with a light weight of 1lb dumbbells and grow with you as you get stronger. No dumbbells? Many kitchen staples can double as weights - try cans or bottles of water if you’re in a pinch.



Fifty 5 Fitness Winnipeg 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

Complete this exercise standing with a tall spine and great baseline posture: line up your hips over ankles, shoulders above hips, ears above shoulders with a slight drawing in of the core. Allow your arms to rest at your sides holding your weights and pull your shoulders down and back. Bend your arms at the elbows and lift the weights while keeping your elbows close to your ribcage. 

Fifty 5 Fitness Studio Winnipeg 90 Degree Dumbbell Shoulder Raises

Pay close attention to the movement in your shoulder blades as you begin to lift your elbows up to shoulder height. Lift until your elbows are level with your shoulders. Try 3 sets of 10 repetitions to begin and increase as your body becomes stronger. Wanting more back strengthening exercises? Why not try an in-person class at our studio in Winnipeg!


Fifty 5 Fitness Something About That Side-Lying Spinal Twist.png

We’re borrowing today’s exercise from our new class: Flow 55. In this 45 minute class, you’ll get the opportunity to stretch your mind and body, increase your flexibility and your balance. We’ve created a safe environment for the 55+ crew in a class that includes 5 minutes of mindful breathing, 25 minutes of stretching and balance exercises, 10 minutes of restorative postures and 5 minutes of relaxation pose and meditation. Can’t make it into class? Try this yoga-inspired stretch instead!

Begin by lying on your back and drawing your right knee in towards your chest. Relax your neck and shoulders and gently draw in your core. Stretch your right arm out towards the side with your palm facing up and using your left hand, pull your knee across your body. If you have no issues with neck tension, look towards your outstretched right hand. 



Fifty 5 Fitness Something About That Side-Lying Spinal Twist.jpg

While you’re resting into the pose, breathe into the area of your right hip and keep trying to relax your right shoulder towards the floor. Most people have a tendency to shrug their shoulders towards their ears - but see if you can resist! Soften into the posture in a way that the pose is doing the work and you just get to relax!

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, draw your navel towards your spine and pull your knee back to center. Take your time to release your foot down to the floor and slide your foot out until it’s completely outstretched. Repeat on the second side!  Try a one-minute hold and then increase your time as you become more comfortable in this posture. Join Fifty 5 Fitness  for flexibility and stretching exercises for women in Winnipeg! 


An Arm and a Leg Back Extensions.PNG

Having our classes in 8-9 week sessions really allows our instructors to get to know our clients’ personalities, past/current injuries and their health and fitness goals. This helps with our program planning and makes our classes stronger. One of the things we’ve learned is how many women have concerns about their posture. Over time we tend to develop a rounded posture - and this exercise is fantastic to counteract this tendency! 



Fifty 5 Fitness Arm and a Leg Back Extensions.jpg

Start in a comfortable seated posture and bring the soles of your feet together. Let your knees flop to the side without worrying about how close to the floor they are. Even though Emily is wearing shoes in these photos, feel free to try it in socks or bare feet as well. Sit in a way that you feel balanced on both sit bones and find a tall spine. Continuing to reach the crown of your head up and your tailbone down is a good habit to get into! 



Fifty 5 Fitness Back Strengthening Exercise.jpg

Lay on your front body and stretch your arms forward and your legs back. Engage your core and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. Press down with your right arm and left foot while lifting and reaching your opposite limbs. Keep your gaze down at the floor but stretch the crown of your head away from your tailbone. Hold for a count of 5, then switch sides. Start with a total of 10 lifts alternating sides. As you get stronger, increase the amount of time on each side.



Fifty 5 Fitness Full Back Extension.jpg

This modification requires even more core and back strength but we know with practice you’ll be up for it! Engaging your core and shoulder blades, lift both arms without hunching your shoulders to your ears. Squeeze both legs together and engage those glutes while lifting and pointing your toes. Press your pelvis down into the mat to find more lift and height. Try 5 repetitions and build up from there!




Practicing this exercise will revolutionize your posture! It is very similar to Level Two, with the slight difference of bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle and drawing your shoulder blades down your back. Keeping your neck straight, focus on lifting from the back of your head and the space between your shoulder blades. Try 5 repetitions and build up from there! For more back strength training exercises, join us for Fifty 5 Fitness classes for women in Winnipeg!


55F Insta Story - Pinterest 8.png

Throughout our classes, we have seen so many beautiful friendships develop. The Fifty 5 Fitness ladies check in on each other, see how everyone’s week has gone and support each other. The moral of this story? Nothing brings a group together like balance exercises - we all seem to giggle every time we start to wobble! The beauty of this beginner Balance Clock exercise is that you can enjoy yourself and improve your balance at the same time.

If you’re a beginner trying this at home, we recommend setting yourself up near the kitchen counter or any other type of ledge or railing. Start with one hand supporting your balance and in no time at all you’ll have graduated to a complete standing balance exercise. This way, whenever you feel yourself start to waver you’ll have something to grab quickly to keep you safe. 

Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and an upright posture, and Emily will guide you through the rest in the video! If you’re wanting the full group balance experience, why not try a Fifty 5 Fitness class in Winnipeg!

Click to Play!